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Sample Future Undergraduate Projects


Embedded Vision Applications

Data Mining Techniques for Classification/Prediction

  • Generally, data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information – information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Data mining software is one of a number of analytical tools for analyzing data. It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases. In this project students will attempt to design Data Mining Algorithms that can be used to extract important information from Raw Data that is Unbalanced, with high dimensionality for multi-class systems.
  • Typical Applications:
    • Bussiness.
    • Medical Applications.
    • Science and Engineering.
  • Resources:
  • Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
  • Students:

Fingerprint Based User Authentication For Embedded Systems

Face Detection/Recognition

Blind Sensory Device

  • Blind People are unable to attain some information about their external environment. They can’t tell the colours of objects, how hot an object at a distance is or how far objects are from them. This project should explore the potential of a device that can use an embedded system (CPU/FPGA) and multiple sensors to provide information to the blind. The output to the blind should be an audio signal (text to speech) that can relay information in a private manner.
  • Typical Applications:
    1. Aid Blind attain useful information about environment.
  • Resources:
    1. Adapting to Visual Impairment
    2. Computerized Obstacle Avoidance Systems for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
  • Students:

Wireless Sensors

  • The commercialization of wireless sensor networks has begun thanks to advances in hardware device miniaturization, lower power consumption levels, and small software operating systems, and wireless sensor-net technology is expected to become a pervasive element of our daily lives once certain technical kinks are ironed out. Applications once thought to be unrealistic are now achievable because of wireless sensing technology, which facilitates signal monitoring in hard-to-access locations and makes factory-floor cabling redundant. The fundamental components of wireless sensor nets are minuscule “mote” computers that run on batteries and use radio to communicate with each other as well as configure themselves into ad hoc networks. “Wireless sensor nets will become most ubiquitous in commercial markets for the near future, with applications ranging from security and bio-detection to building and home automation, industrial control, pollution monitoring, and agriculture,” says Avaak CTO Bar-Giora Goldberg. Sensors’ presence in the automotive industry is particularly strong in tire-pressure monitoring systems and automatic remote-meter-reading applications, and wireless sensor nets also hold promise for the homeland security market. The sensor market segment exhibiting the fastest growth is the image sensor segment, which is being fueled by breakthroughs in affordability, image resolution, and low power dissipation. Sensor nets’ potential will undoubtedly expand as sensors, transceivers, antennas, batteries, controllers, and communication protocols and topologies continue to improve. It is expected that dust-sized sensors will eventually become de rigueur.
  • Typical Applications:
    1. Automotive Industry.
    2. Homeland Security.
  • Resources:
    1. A Survey of Wireless Sensor Network Simulation Tools
    2. WSNet/Worldsens Simulator
  • Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
  • Students: