
Automated Gloss Meter Reading and Recording (AGFA) (Fall 2012)
- Abstract: The goal of the project is to design an automated system which can accurately and precisely store the gloss measurements recorded at regular space intervals for variable image (media) sizes. Gloss banding is an undesirable phenomenon causing uneven distribution of gloss resulting from uneven curing of UV inks. The print quality of Agfa’s high speed UV ink jet printers is substantially degraded by gloss banding. Agfa Inc. intends to analyze gloss measurements to fully understand the phenomenon of gloss banding and improve the image quality by prevent it. The current techniques used to quantify gloss for images produced by varying machine (printer’s) settings, fail to produce repeatable and accurate data. Moreover, the data collection itself is tedious process with scope of human errors. Thus, the need for an accurate and precise automatic system which requires minimal human supervision was expressed by Agfa Inc.
- Reports:
- Resources:
- Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
- Students: Alfia Saiyed, Trevor Kenny and Michael Pawla

Self-Sustaining Heated Driveway (Fall 2012)
- Abstract: One negative aspect of living in northern countries is dealing with harsh winters and heavy snowfall. This requires a fair amount of time in shoveling and maintaining a person’s driveway. However, depending on the snowfall, the task can be difficult to remove due to accumulation, constant snowfall, or finding the time to do so. Snow on the driveway may also be a danger due to weather hazards that are caused by the winter season. Current solutions to deal with the snow filled driveways are to manually shovel the driveway, or hiring a company to do so. But this can be costly, laborious, time consuming, and could cause strain on health. Another possible solution is to install a heated driveway system. This requires the installation of heated cables either under or on top of the driveway that can be activated accordingly to melt the snow. This solution is great as it eliminates labour, does not require time, nor will it put a strain on health. One downfall is the efficiency of this system as well as the energy costs associated with it. Smart Systems’ project is to update and improve upon current heating driveway systems to increase energy savings, by implementing an efficient and intelligent system. This is achieved by powering the entire system using solar energy as well as rechargeable batteries, which obtain their power from solar panels. A programmable microcontroller will be used that will record data, schedule tasks, and activate the heaters on the driveway when necessary. The use of specific sensors will allow the system to interact with its environment, to determine whether snow needs to be melted or not. And finally the driveway will be planned in a grid like formation to only melt in areas on the driveway that require the melting of snow. This system, as mentioned, will be running simultaneously so as to melt the snow on your driveway as well as being sustainable and cost effective.
- Reports:
- Resources:
- Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
- Students: Ammar Abu Leil, Joshua Gibbs and Nicholar Pollard

Dynamic Path Planning (Fall 2008)
- Abstract: The field of robotics has attracted a great deal of attention in research and industrial communities. Currently robots are used in manufacturing, medicine, services, exploration and transportation to name just a few. One of the challenges for such an intelligent robot is determining its fastest and safest route to its destination. This is what is known as the path planning problem. The path planning problem is an ordering problem, where a sequence of configurations is sought, beginning at the initial location and ending at the goal location. The robot searches for an optimal or near optimal path with respect to the problem objectives, whose criteria include: distance, time, energy, safety and smoothness.
- Reports:
- Resources:
- Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
- Students: Basil Debowski, Jo Vanden Dool, Kyle Binkley

Image Processing Techniques for Fingerprint Authentication (Winter 2007)
- Abstract: User authentication refers to the process of verifying the identity of a user. This is becoming an important security requirement in various embedded systems. This project investigates the problem of supporting efficient fingerprint-based user authentication in embedded systems. There are two types of finger-based authentication techniques: graph-based and minutaie-based. In this project students will concentrate on the latter because minutiae are widely believed to be the most discriminating and reliable features of a fingerprint.
- Reports:
- Resources:
- Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
- Students: Wade Milton, Jay Hilliard and Breanne Stewart

Wireless Accident Avoidance System (Winter 2006)
- Abstract: Accident “Safe” features are those that improve safety performance by helping to prevent accidents from happening in the first place, but if they do, protecting occupants from harm. Wireless Proximity Warning System – When two vehicles in a potential accident situation are equipped with the appropriate sensing devices, the Wireless Proximity Warning System acts as a pre-crash sensing technology to warn drivers of imminent danger. Corner entry deceleration: Using information from the on-board navigation system on the radius of the corner ahead, the system issues audible and visual alerts when it judges the vehicle is traveling too fast to negotiate the corner safely. The system automatically slows the vehicle when it determines the driver has failed to decelerate quickly enough
- Typical Applications:
- Accident Avoidance
- Wireless Proximity Warning System
- Resources:
- Drive and Stay Alive (Get access to this)
- Ford Smart Car (get access to this)
- Aiming for a Society with no Traffic Accidents
- Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
- Students:

Speech Recognition System for Disabled (Winter 2006)
- Abstract: Sign language is often the fastest way for the deaf to communicate with others but is is often the case that not everyone understands sign language or to find someone to act as a sign language interpreter in a classroom or courtroom. SpeechAssist is a gadget that can be used to assist hearing impaired individuals to communicate with others easily. The result is a two-way communication device that allows anyone to sit down with a deaf individual and have a two way conversation in real time. The device can be easily modified to assist normal people to translate between different languages. SpeechAssist can store in its memory not only phrases, but also special messages and announcements. It could be any important message you need to convey repeatedly or broadcast to a wide audience. The user can choose a message and SpeechAssit would pronounce it or display it in a language of your choice.
- Typical Applications:
- Travellers
- Disabled
- Resources:
- Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
- Students:

Fingerprint Based User Authentication (Fall 2005)
- Abstract: User authentication refers to the process of verifying the identity of a user. This is becoming an important security requirement in various embedded systems. This project investigates the problem of supporting efficient fingerprint-based user authentication in embedded systems. There are two types of finger-based authentication techniques: graph-based and minutaie-based. In this project students will concentrate on the latter because minutiae are widely believed to be the most discriminating and reliable features of a fingerprint.
- Reports:
- Resources:
- Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
- Students: Kiril Sinitksi and Gezeta Kinlocke
Multi Port Fuel Injection Utilizing a Real Time Operating System (Winter 2003)
- Project Title: Multi Port Fuel Injection Utilizing a Real Time Operating System
- Abstract: As the automobile evolves, the control systems that are used to maintain and modify the current operating conditions have also evolved. Most vehicles in use today have upwards of 50 microprocessors controlling everything from cockpit cooling systems, to window controls. With over 50 microprocessors operating throughout a vehicle the electrical systems of a vehicle can become overly complicated. The objectives of this project are to approach the areas of vehicle management with respect to reducing the number of microprocessors required to operate a vehicle. To effectively approach this problem the team will look at one of the most intensive processes performed on a vehicle, Engine Control. It is intended that building a prototype fuel injection system with increased capabilities will best display the potential for reduction in the number of microprocessors throughout the vehicle.
- Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
- Students:
- Piotr Parkitny
- Leith Dickie
- Jeremy Goertz
The S.E.A.N Robot (Winter 2003)
- Project Title: A Simple Efficient Adaptable Networkable Robot
- Abstract: Today, a large problem that many of the companies interested in the field of robotics are having is establishing a cost-effective base model robot for their implementation. Having such a large number of companies with different needs makes the creation of a multi-purpose robot a very hard design. This project is about implementing a simple, efficient adaptable networkable robot.
- Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
- Students:
- Dan Cibic
- Dragoljub Ignjatovic
- Peter Koller